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Favourite Funeral?!

Favourite Funeral?!

I’m often asked about memorable ceremonies that I’ve conducted. It’s very difficult to pick one out, because by their nature they are all different. They may stand out for the wrong reasons or for the best, but they are all special. In my early days, at one funeral, the chapel attendant completely forgot to put […]

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What may put you off about Funerals

What may put you off about Funerals

As a celebrant, I have worked with families on funeral Orders of Service for quite a long time. In fact, I have performed over 150 funerals to date. So I have reasonable experience of putting bespoke ceremonies together. When it comes to putting a funeral together, each family is likely to have one element (at […]

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Life-time Funeral Eulogies

The idea of life-time funeral eulogies doesn’t, at first sight, make a lot of sense. Why would you write a eulogy when still alive? What’s the point? A good turn You may not care much what happens at your funeral. Once you’re dead, that’s probably it. Your family can work out what they want to […]

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